
Miner's fee receiver: The gas-efficient divided distributor

Developing a strong ecosystem is essential if we’re looking to attract the interest and attention of shareholders for their crypto portfolio. At Meta Miner Network, our Ecosystem is a new wave of smart contracts and utilities that allows users to easily and conveniently earn rewards. The utilities, such as staking, farming, and our gas-saver receiver are highly efficient, with a low fee structure that makes them very affordable for users. Additionally, our smart contracts offer several features in the Dapp that make them unique from other projects. We are looking to add the NFTs and Metaverse development to our Ecosystem.

Our ecosystem is gas-friendly. Our tokenomics are not triggered by every transaction saving you and the project gas fees. We have a unique feature on our Dapp called the “Bounty button” (GRAB xAmount of $MINER) By triggering this blue button you pay the gas for everyone’s rewards to be collected and then you collect that MINER bag because you paid the gas fee for everyone. As they say, it’s kind of like buying a round for everyone at the bar. You paid a minimal gas fee “grab” that doubles as a trigger function for everyone’s current rewards to be auto-claimed. This fee receiver address is 0xaEDf4B6Ec7E62685A93F4d3965ACdCAAC83C56a8 and is part of Miner's ecosystem. The fee receiver gives 2% of its balance to the holder who triggers this feature!

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